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i need help with my hamster

21 11:52:18

ok i have two fancy hamsters and a black bear hamster in the same cage. the fancy hamsters are girls but the black bear one is a boy what do i do i dont want to separate them. they havent fought yet but the fancy hamsters do they dont really bite they just like tackle and the other one squeaks i really need help. will the black bear and the fancy hamster mate? will the fancy ones attack the black bear hamster? please let me no please i need help

the black bear hamster will probably mate with the other hamsters, if that already hasn't happaned. If they are tackling each other and fighting you should seperate them because hamsters are cannibals and they will kill each other and it is extremely common and something I really hate to see happen because it's really disguisting to see what they do to each other. Hamsters prefer to be by themselves and rarely do they tolerate other hamsters in the cage with them for very long. The best thing to and actually the only solution that I know of is to seperate all of your hamsters. I know it's not what you want to hear but it should be done so nothing bad happens to them.