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21 11:30:43

I was looking at a hamster in the pet store, and I am thinking of getting her. She is a Syrian, but to be more specific, she is a Honey Bear Hamster. What size cage should I get her? She will get up to about 6 to 7 inches when she is full grown. What specific toys and items should I get her?

Hi Ashley

Bear hamsters can get to be pretty large - especially the girls, so they do need a reasonable size cage.  A lot of the cages are too small - but in particular, you need to check that the cage is large enough for one of the large wheels.  The standard wheels that come in most cages are small, especially for a large Syrian.  It is difficult to say for sure how big a cage should be - this is because some cages are taller or deeper than others.  Most of my hamsters live in cages that are just under 2ft (60cm)long, by 1ft (30cm) deep - this seems to be OK - but I do get them all out most days for a play and a run in their exercise ball.  Some of the cages I've got that don't have wheels, i.e. for hamsters with leg injuries, are slightly larger and taller to allow me to fit in climbing frames.  

Females are more active than males who tend to like to sleep a lot - therefore they would probably appreciate a large cage.  I suggest you get a wire cage rather than one of the tubular ones.  Because your hamster will be quite large, the tubes are fine for them when they are young, but if they get a bit too big, or elderly these tubes can be a nuisance, therefore I don't recommend them - but that is purely my opinion.

The cage needs to be big enough for her to have her big wheel, ideally a climbing frame (you can buy wooden ladders and ropes that you clip onto the top of the cage) and a place to sleep.  I don't recommend the plastic houses to sleep in as these cause condensation to collect which can make the hamster sick.  Hamsters do, however, feel safer if they sleep in a 'house' or similar - so the best thing is either to get a cage with a plastic platform so they can sleep under that, or if the cage doesn't have a platform, get her a large wooden house or coconut shell for her to sleep in.  I recently found some new houses/treats called Snack Shacks - these are made into houses with a reed roof, and the house is actually edible.  They seem to enjoy sleeping in these and can have a nibble if they get hungry!

I would definitely recommend getting one of the hamster exercise balls as the majority of hamsters I've had really love these.  I suggest you tape over any joins in the ball and also over the doors when your hamster is in it as these balls do tend to have a habit of coming open if they bang into furniture.  Also, some hamsters love to try and chew themselves out!

Good luck with this - I do hope it all works out well for you.  I love Syrian hamsters and I find the Bears to be great because they are slightly on the large side.  Any problems when you get her, please feel free to drop me a line.
