Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > need some advise!

need some advise!

21 11:37:45

Dear Shawntiah,
i just got 2 dwarf is a blueberry dwarf,named Thunder and my other one is a russian dwarf,named Flash.they are about 4 weeks old and i just found out one is a male and one is a female and i have kept them in the same cage for as long as i had them.i think they would have beautiful childeren. well any how is a sighn of fatness a sighn of pregnetsy. From,

Hello Shianna,
a sign of gaining weight, sleeping more and building a nest is a sign of pregnancy. Put some toilet tissue in the cage so she can build a nest if she is pregnant. If you have had them in the cage for four weeks I'm really surprised you haven't seen little pups by now. :)