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Really old hamster

21 13:32:01

I have a teddy bear hamster almost three years old. He has tons of wrinkles and has no hair in some areas and one eye wont open fully. I'm just wondering if there is anything i can do to help this. Thank u

 theres nothing you can do to stop your hamster aging, its just another fact of life. hair loss is a sign of aging so there is nothing you can do for that at all sadly. and wrinkles the same, although hamster skin is pretty wrinkly anyways.
i've had hamster live up to 4 years so there may be plenty of life left in him yet.
 if his eye is sticky then you can take him to the vet for an injection to stop it, or alternativly you can bathe it yourself with salt water, put about half a teaspoon full in a cup of warm water, taste to see if its salty enough, but not so its over salty, and then bathe it with a cotton bud, at least twice a day so it opens up again.
i hope this helps!
~suzi x