Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > lumps on syrians

lumps on syrians

21 11:36:47

QUESTION: hi, my hamster has developed symetrical lumps around her abdomen area.
(it seems to be too far back for impacted pouches) but they seem to
match. Her poo has also changed to a lighter brown, nobbly dry poo. Im
worried she may have a tumour, but she seems fine, shes up and about at
night, in her ball, and seems happy and energetic. Since developing these
lumps ive put her on a strict diet with plenty of exercise and her
lumps seem to have gone down a little but she's had them now for 3 weeks.
the lumps came on quickly which makes me think she's not just fat. She
seems ok, has a little trouble climbing and fitting through tubes etc.
we thought she might be constipated and have been giving her a sip of
olive oil to help her dry poo. shes pooing as normal, but like i say
they've changed colour and are more nobbly. please please help.

ANSWER: Hi Ellie

I'm curious that these lumps are symmetrical.  You're not getting confused with a hamster's scent glands, are you?  These are on their sides - sometimes there is a raised brown/black spot and the fur can be missing around them. On some hamsters they are more prominent than others.

Are the lumps hard, or are they soft if you press them?  How is she in herself - is she acting normally, or is she dull and not as energetic?  Is she still eating/drinking OK?  Is there any discharge or bleeding coming from her rear end?

These lumps could be ovarian cysts.  These usually occur symmetrically and also cause the abdomen to swell.  If it is this, the treatments are: a hormonal injection (but this can be dangerous),or the vet can drain them but they usually re-occur, or the vet can surgically remove them.  Providing surgery goes according to plan and that there are no complications, the prognosis is very good.  

With regard to her suffering from constipation - this can be caused by ingesting bedding fibres or insufficient fluid intake.  In serious cases the hamster will show pain and walk with an arched back and also the abdomen swells.  Constipation can also be caused by urinary disease, uterine disease (there would be pus coming from her rear end if she has this) or tumors.  Mild cases can be given natural laxatives, such as lettuce or dandelion leaves or a pinch of Epsom salts can be added to the water.  I know you've given her olive oil, but it might be worth trying one of these 'laxatives' for a day or two, and monitor the amount of water she is drinking.  Do you normally give her fresh vegetables daily?  If not, it is wise to do this - only a small amount each day - lettuce is usually inadvisable because it can cause diarrhoea.  Also, have a look at her bedding to make sure it is not the fluffy fibre variety - the shredded paper variety is better.

If this doesn't make any difference she really ought to go to see a vet so that they can confirm/rule any of the above conditions.

Sorry I can't be more help - it is difficult to know what is wrong without seeing her.  Any illness like this, however, needs to be checked out and if there is no improvement in a day or two or if she deteriorates at all during that time she should be seen immediately.

Good luck with this - I hope you get on OK.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, thanks for getting back to me and giving your tips and advice. I don't think they are prominant scent glands, the lumps are soft when you press them. they sound more like ovarian cycsts (do i need to have them removed for her, or will they go down in time?). Pringle does seem quite happy regardless of her condition, she is eating and drinking as normal and pottering about like normal, and most importantly her bum is very clean- everything is normal apart from these lumps and lighter coloured poo. I will try the suggestions you have made, but didnt want to put her through any unneccessary treatment as she is bright and normal, what do you suggest?


I would be tempted to measure the size of these lumps and write it down somewhere so you don't forget.  Then, monitor her - if they get bigger or if her behaviour changes in that she is dull and not eating/drinking etc. I suggest you get her to a vet straightaway.  