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baby gerbil sick

21 11:59:09

thank you very much for the answers, i just have one more questions, should i treat the other gerbils that were in the cage with the sick one? He is in his own cage now.
Thank You
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hi, i have a few questions really, i got a family of gerbils from a local pet store, or i thought it was a family, the 3 baby gerbils that i got were all doing fine well for awhile anyways then the one male gerbil stopped growing and this under side is all wet and he has poop stuck to him. Early today we did not think that he was going to live, he was not eating, could not walk, both eyes were closed and was breathing very heavy, but tonight when we check on him he was running around and eating and both eyes were open and his breathing is normal again. His underside is this wet and the poop is still there but he seems to be doing better at least for now, is there anything i can do for him, and do u have any idea what may be wrong? Now the next thing is what i thought and was told was the father was not it was a  female and she had a litter of babies the other night, well i looked in to see how they were doing and i saw that the four were still alive but they were in two different nest, now she is alone, i dont have the father, is this normal, i thought that maybe she was just trying to move them or hide them from people looking at them, she seems to be a very good mother so i dont think she would hurt them, what should i do? Thank you so much for your time!
Hi Tara,

When you got them were they all supposed to be the same sex? If the other two are boys, you need to make sure the female is seperated and kept seperate as the chances are she will actually be pregnant again already (they mate the night she has given birth). She will be capable of bringing the babies up on her own, and must not be disturbed for at least one week, apart from offering food and water! It is also normal for her to move them around, and it is very unlikely that she will hurt them. You may find if any die she will eat them, which is natural and meant to keep the nest tidy!

I think for your other gerbil with poo stuck round his bottom, you need to get him to the vets as soon as possible. It may be diarreaha or it could be wet tail, either of which can be fatal if not treated properly!! You need to make sure this gerbil is having fluids, water is fine, as loss of fluid through this can be fatal!!!

I would also consult the pet shop where you got these gerbils from and explain what has happened, even if it is just so they are aware that they sold gerbils of different sexes!!!

I hope this helps, but if i have missed something or you have another question please feel free to ask!!

Thank you,


It would probably be safe to get them all checked as well as some things can be contagious!!! So that would be a good idea!

Also, remember if you keep this gerbil seperate you may have difficulty putting him back in with the other(s) as they seem to become territorial very quickly!!

Glad i could help,
Ask again if you need,
Thank you,