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21 13:29:18

my hampster bites me alot she is a syberian dawrf hampster u said that bitter lime spray would work but the pet store said that it would not. Do you have any suggestions. Also do you have any idea how to get hampsters to stop biting the bars on their cage? please write back fast I am going on a trip very soon!!!!

Hi Tyller,

Well, I'm confused as to why a pet store would say that bitter lime spray would not work.  It's a very common, safe, and effective method, and it has worked for everyone I've recommended it to.  I would suggest you try that first.  Also, you can try wearing gloves when you handle your hamster.  Wait until you're comfortable to stop wearing the gloves.  Handle the hamster gently, also, as rough handling can cause a hamster to bite.

As for the bars on the cage - Many hamsters do this.  You can spray the bitter lime on the bars, first of all.  Also, make sure to provide your hamster with chew sticks.  You can also try a vegetable wheel, which is sold in pet stores for under $2.  In addition, make sure your hamster is not bored by providing her with toys, and let her run in a dwarf-sized run-around ball for 10 minutes each day.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
