Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > two boys now identtfied as boy and girl.

two boys now identtfied as boy and girl.

21 11:37:40

I got two boy gerbils at petco and it turns out its a boy and girl. I read you should keep the father or an older daughter with the mom but I gave the father back and this is her first litter. I also read that many baby gerbils die running the wheel with their mom. I need to know if she can take care of it with out the dad and if she'll be okay if I take the wheel out. I also need to know how to get a lower water bottle and how to take care of this in general. Can you please help me?!?


Dont worry she can cope on her own without the father. You should take hazards out of the cage such as wheels, as these can be dangerous. The best care you can give is to leave the mother alone with the babies and not interfere as this can cause her to cannabilse her babies. With regards to the water bottle it depends on the type of cage you have, you can use a dish, but must be very careful and only have it in when you are there to supervise so that no babies get stuck in it.
I would offer the mother extra protein to keep her energy levels up, something like dried mealworms or some cheese is good. Also maybe put some Canary Seed in for the babies so they can move onto solids more easily!!

Need any more help, just ask!!
