Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Taming


21 11:22:22

I know that you do not specialize in gerbils but, the general question is that one of my gerbils bytes my fingers when I put my hand in to give treats.

Hi Vincent

Sorry to hear your gerbil is biting you.  All these little creatures rely very heavily on their sense of smell as their eye sight is poor.  Therefore, when a hand holds food for them, they often mistake the hand as food too or a predator.

Can you handle your other gerbil(s)?  Do you keep several cages of gerbils?  If so, when you try to feed him, have you already been touching another cage/bedding that he can smell that is making him behave like this?

Does your gerbil fly at your hand?  If so, you need to win his confidence a bit.  Can you actually handle him?  Gerbils can be very fast and a lot different to hamsters when it comes to handling them, but basically taming is much the same.  If you speak to him a lot, especially when you are near the cage so that he recognizes your voice.  To pick him up, place a hand on both sides of him and 'scoop' him up and immediately put him on your clothing.  They often don't like the sensation of skin under their feet.  After a minute or two, return him to the cage.  Each time you get him out try and increase the handling time a bit.  He may never be totally happy with being handled, but at least he may not bite you when you try to give him a treat.

Hope you get on OK.
