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Hamster bloated stomach

21 11:11:26

i have a 2 and a half year old Syrian hamster. She has recently developed a bloated stomach (not hard when touched) and has become quite thin. She has very recently started passing large soft light brown droppings. I think they could be connected, are they? I know she is old and this is probably going to kill her but i was wondering if there was anything i could do to help her? Please reply soon

Hi Sara

From the description you give your hamster may well have a tumor.  This tends to make them look big on their hips whilst the rest of their body gets thin.  Another thing that can cause this change in body shape are kidney problems.  Is there any sign of blood or pus coming from her rear?  Can she walk OK or is she falling over?  If the answer is yes to either of these questions then she really ought to see a vet who may well advise euthanasia.

If she seems to be OK, then it is important to make her as comfortable as possible.  Make sure her home is easy for her to get around - ideally everything should be on one level for her with her water and food closeby so that she doesn't have to climb or go through tubes etc.  Regarding the loose stools, you should avoid feeding her lettuce as this can cause diarrhea.  It is important that she doesn't dehydrate and therefore it would be worth getting a packet of oral rehydration powders.  If you mix up a sachet (you can keep it in the fridge for a few days), then fill up her water bottle with this and also give her some through a dropper.  It would also be advisable to give her a probiotic.  Avipro is sold for pets, or if you can't get hold of this then buy a bottle of acidophilus capsules from the health shop.  If you empty one into her water bottle daily and also give some of this in a dropper.  This helps replace any lost friendly bacteria and can help the gut sort itself out.

If the diarrhea gets worse then you should only give a very bland diet - standard hamster mix, bread, raw oats etc (avoid dairy and fresh vegetables) and it would be worth consulting a vet.  If there is some improvement then after a few days you can reintroduce some vegetables but only give highly fibrous types such as spinach, cabbage, sweet corn (and in small quantities).  You can also give some baby food (I usually buy the powdered creamy porridge oats - if you mix a little with water) I find most hamsters like this and it gives them extra nutrients.

I hope she is Ok - it is very sad when a hamster reaches this age and things start to go wrong.  All you can do really is make sure she is comfortable and not in pain - if she starts to show signs of pain - dull, hunched up, not wanting to leave her nest etc. or signs of blood or discharge then please get a vet to look at her.
