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Hamster Disorder

21 12:00:07

  I have a 3 month old short-haired hamster.  It has always been active and alive, though recently, it has not.  It will stay still, without moving, for up to five minutes at one time! Even if I rock the cage or make a motion to pick him up, he doesn't move. Afterwards, he will run around his cage repeatedly, and then this will start over.  Also, I noticed his coat to be getting paler.  He used to be a bright orange-red color, but his fur doesn't stand out as brightly any more.  He seems to have swelled (not gaining weight, just-swelling), and he bumps into things in his cage.  Should I just carry on with feeding him and changing his bedding, or can I do something about this?

You should really take him to the vet to get looked at. it sounds like he may have a tumor or a bacterial infection. a vet will have to run a few test to determine what exactly is wrong with your hamster and will probably give your hammi some antibiotics