Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Money


21 11:49:48

How much does a hamster cost?
Also do you know how much all the things you need for a hamster costs?

Dear Amy,
thank you for your question.
Since I live in Germany, I cannot tell you how much a hamster and all the stuff you need will cost where you live. But as a rule, the actual animal is the cheapest part of the whole thing.

I recommend building your own cage, for example from plexiglas (front), OSB panels (sides) and a mesh wire lid. You can also convert old cupboards ect. into good hamster cages. Here you can find pictures of homemade hamster cages for dwarfs:
and Syrian hamsters:
It's cheaper than buying a cage at the pet store, because hamsters need a lot of room and most of the cages that are sold are both expensive and way too small.

Toys and furniture can be cheap if you use cardboard boxes, clay flower pots, wood from outside (if you have access to untreated trees: hazel, beech, birch, oak, willow, apple, pear), cork (sold for reptiles) ect. The plastic stuff that is sold for rodents is expensive and can be harmful or deadly when chewed or swallowed.

You also need to think about vet bills, which can be a lot higher than what you spend on the hamster itself. It's a good idea to put some money aside for this.
I hope I was of some help to yu