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Roborovski Hamster fighting

21 11:59:35

We have got 2 female Roborovski since July this year. We got them at the same time and they always seemed to enjoy each others company as they were eating, playing and sleeping together. However, for the past few days we have noticed that their fighting has become much more aggressive even though they still sleep and eat together, and we can see that they are hurting each other as we notice scars on their nose and back. Is it a normal behavior or do we have to consider separating them?  

Dear Benedicte,
thank you for your question.
Dwarf hamsters live together as pairs in the wild, but in captivity even breeding pairs often sart to fight. Pairs of the same sex will fight almost certainly, especially when they are fully grown. You should seperate your hamsters now before anythnig happens to them. They just stress each other because they fight for territory and they might really hurt one another.
I hope I was of some help to you