Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > holidays!!!


21 11:37:39

My mum won't let me have a hamster because she says they smell and that we can't leave it alone when we go on our two weeks holiday. Is it true they smell and what can i do when i go on holiday ? Any suggestions ??

Hi Katie,

Actually, hamsters don't have any smell.  (They're very clean animals.)  However, their cages will smell if you don't clean them 1 or 2 times a week.  As long as you clean the hamster's cage regularly, you shouldn't notice any bad smells.  Also, you can use Carefresh bedding, which is more absorbent than other brands.  (Or, you can use Aspen, which is also very absorbent.  However, you should avoid Pine and Cedar beddings, which are dangerous to hamsters.)

When you go on a holiday, you'll need someone - a neighbor, friend, or relative, for example - to look after your hamster.  They'll need to feed the hamster and change its water each day.  I would recommend that they check on the hamster twice a day, to make sure everything's okay.

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
