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Fur loss in hamsters

21 11:59:56

Dear Kelly,
I own a 6-7 month old syrian hamster and up until now I have had no worries. after going away for two days and leaving my hamster in the care of my mother, i returned to find a large bald patch across my hamster's hip/waist area. it is slightly red and a little bit flaky.
   i have heard that fur loss in old hamsters is normal, however, in young hamsters it is abnormal.Is my hamster too young to suffer from this condition as a result of old age? If it could be mage or lice , do i need to seek vetenary attention or is there a way for me to treat it with an off-the-shelf product.
  My hamster is prone to heat stroke and has suffered it several times - could this have anything to do with the bald patch? my hamster is otherwise healthy, has clear eyes and ears.
  I have another hamster (in another cage) in the same room, is it better to keep them apart?

Thanks for any advice,

Hi Miranda,

You'll need to check both of your hamster for mites.  (Untreated mites eventually lead to mange.)  Look at their skin, and you may see small black mites running on the skin.  You can treat this with anti-mite spray for small animals, found at pet stores.  Cover the hamster's head, and spray its body.  (Spray both hamsters.)  Then, clean out the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray, as well.

If the hamster has been treated, and its skin is still flaky, he may have a skin allergy/infection.  A common cause of a skin infection/allergy is a hamster's bedding.  Pine and Cedar beddings frequently cause skin allergies and infections, as well as respiratory infections.  If you use Pine or Cedar, switch to Aspen or Carefresh.

If you've treated your hamsters for mites and switched to Aspen or Carefresh, and your hamster's skin is *still* flaky, then you should take him to the vet for a consulation.  Young hamsters don't lose fur unless they have some sort of skin problem.  (Older hamsters usually don't have fur loss until they are about 1 1/2 - 2 years old.)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
