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syrien hamster bitng

21 11:10:49

I read your answer to Lucy's question which helps alot.I also have a Syrian hamster and i've had her for 3 months! She has only bit me once but when ever i try to pick her up she turns around to bite. I want to know how long does it take for your solution to work? Like how long do you have to talk to them before you try to pick them up?
Thank you for your help!

Hi bronny

Sorry to hear that you are still having difficulty handling your hamster. Ideally they should settle by now but i have had some who take a bit longer. The important thing is to keep trying daily.  Also always talk to her when you have got her out and try not to startle her as she will lose confidence. Syrians should tame - some more than most.

Whilst it must be frustrating for you don't give up as I am sure she will come around. Also when you handle her dont hold her tightly - let her think that she can move around as if hamsters feel restricted they can react.

Good luck with her - please dont give up!
