Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > tumor


21 11:32:07

my hamster had a big toumer on her private area. It grew and then i guess she popped it. Then there was blood all over her cage. She died yesterday. Do you know how she got it and if i could get it. I cleaned her cage and then i got a new hamster. But i cleanded everything she owned so my new hanster wont get what she had. Do you think she could?


Hi heath,

this sounds more like an infected abscess than a tumor, and I'm not too sure how she got it, they are however more common with older hamsters. And don't worry you won't catch anything from it, and if you have thoroughly cleaned her old things, your new hamster won't catch either. Abscesses aren't contagious.

Best of luck and thanks for your question :)

Joanne xxx