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hamster help please!

21 11:55:27

Im sorry this is so long but I've had a lot of problems. Well... I decided I wanted a hamster a little more than a month ago.  I went to Petco and picked out one that seemed healthy and playful. After about two days, Moose (my hamster) finally seemed to adjust to her new home and was just fine up until about two weeks later. When I needed to clean her cage one night and had to remove her, I noticed she did not struggle at all and was noticeably lighter than when i picked her up. When i set her on the floor she hobbled around and after a few hours of watching her she got so bad that she had to drag herself along the floor, unable to lift her head.  She became progressively worse over the course of the night until finally I found her dead the next morning.  No one at the pet store could tell me what was wrong and now I am very worried because my new hamster Cow is displaying odd behavior. She seems to be itching alot- she rolls around frantically in her litter for minutes at a time, and her droppings seem moist and green even though I have not fed her anything beside her normal KAYTEE dry food and one Yogie vitamin treat.  Am I doing something wrong?

Hi Katie, no it doesnt sound like you are doing anything wrong, it sounds like a bad batch of hamsters at the store, inform them immediately and if they are reputable they should take them off sale and get them treatment. it sounds like it could be wet tail, get her to the vet as soon as you can for treatment or there is a possibility she may die too, as they are so small and fragile when they are young it doesnt take alot to make them ill. speak to the pet store in the mean time and inform them of the situation, i hope this help and that she is ok soon, Jen