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Young Hamster Cage

21 13:31:21

Hello Sara, I had a quick question to ask of you.

I recently purchased my first hamster. He is about two months old. The cage I bought for him already seems small, and I've only had him for three days. I'm worried that as he grows, my hamster will need a new cage.

The measurements are: the base is 12.5" wide and 8" deep, the height, including the top part, is about 10.5" or 11". The top part that rests on the base is about 8" wide. The other 4.5" are taken up by this flat plastic 'plate' type object that pulls away giving one, as the box says, 'a petting zone for you and your pet' or something of the like. There is a wheel outside of this top part, and a lookout tower also shoot out from one of the corners.

I was wondering if, as my hamster grows, I will have to purchase a new cage? I hope the information I've given you is enough.

Thank for your time!

Well, the cage is probably fine for now since there is a wheel in it.  But as your hamster grows you may want to give him a little more room to explore.  A wheel is always a good idea.  Also, if you get a new cage I'd recommend a wire one.  Hamsters seem to do better in those compared to plastic, plus they get more ventilation.
Well I hope this answers your question, if you have anymore questions on anything feel free to ask!