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syrain hamster chewing on cage

21 11:51:50

My hamster chews on her cage we take her out, give her chew toys and she still does it. Is it normal or should we be worried Also is there a gentle way to stop it.

Hi Jennifer,

You don't need to be worried, as this behavior is normal, but you should definitely try to stop it, since a hamster may develop sores on her upper lip and nose.  Continue giving her chew toys, since these will safely file down her teeth.  To stop the chewing, go to the pet store and buy Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel).  It should be around $5-8.  It's marketed towards ferrets, so it will be in the ferret section, but it's safe for all animals.  Spray or rub the bitter lime on the parts of the cage that your hamster is chewing on.  If your hamster tries to chew on the cage, she'll taste the bitter lime and be disgusted.  She won't want to keep chewing on the cage.  You may have to use the bitter lime a few times, but she should soon take the hint and stop chewing on her cage.

If you have any other questions, pleae feel free to ask :)
