Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > green slimy poop

green slimy poop

21 11:11:44

My hamster has had runny poop for the last week and when I picked her up today her poop was green and was stuck to her butt. What does this mean, and is there anything I can do to help her?

Hi Courtney

I've only just seen your message in the 'question pool' so I don't know if the situation has changed at all.  Is your hamster still ill?  If so then it is vital to get her to take oral rehydration - you can give the type that is sold for humans.  Mix a sachet according to the instructions and feed this through a dropper.  Also fill the water bottle with it.  In addition she will need a probiotic.  You can buy one from the vet calle Avipro, but if you can't get this then you can give acidophillus which is a pro biotic sold in health shops for human consumption.  Empty a capsule into her water and again, give this via a dropper.

Stop all vegetables for now, and also make the diet bland.  You need her to have foods like bread, raw oats, nuts, baby rusks, dry hamster mix etc.  Don't give milk products. If you see an improvement in a day or two then you can reintroduce her usual fresh vegetables but avoid lettuce.

If she is clearly unwell then I would suggest you get a vet to check her out.  If the diarrhoea is down to a virus or infection he may need to give antibiotics.

I hope you get on OK.
