Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > help please may be pregnant

help please may be pregnant

21 11:50:38

QUESTION: i have two winter hamsters in the same cage and the fight and pull fur and skin off of each other.And i NO fur around the tail area in(under its tail)and when i first saw it was a dime size and now it is nickel size.And will not eat or let in other hamster or me around it. what should i do.Is it PREGANT or just hurt.


    Are they both female or one of each?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: at the pet store they said they should be one sex (but probly one of both)


Hello Kim,

    It is really hard to tell if one might be pregnant.
Since the one will not eat, let anyone around it and they have been fighting, I feel that it would be best to separate them as soon as possible (putting the one that is eating in a different cage).
    Look over the one that is not eating to see if she has any wounds on her. If she does and there are signs of infection (redness, swelling and/or drainage), she should be seen by a vet. If there are no signs of infection, hopefully being separated from the other one, she will start eating again.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.