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Huge lump on gerbil

21 11:56:02

I have had my gerbil for about 2 years. When I was giving him a treat I noticed that he had a huge lump on his stomach. It was oozing blood and pus. He doesn't seem to be in pain because he does what he has always done. He still eats and drinks. I am really worried and I don't know what to do...Please help me


I think you should take the gerbil to the vets as soon as possible. 2years is relatively old for a gerbil, and so it is important that illness is caught and treated early. Cancers and tumors are a lot more common in old age and so it is important it is checked out to make sure it is nothing too serious. In the meantime you could maybe help by just gently dabbing it with a clean, wet warm cloth and just cleaning away the pus/blood.

Let me know what happens,
I hope he is ok,