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Gerbil question

21 11:05:06

Hi, I know your specialty is gerbils, but I need a question answered that I don't know where to ask.
Ok, so I have to gerbils Bamm-Bamm and Ginger (Pebbles died :( )
and Ginger is SUPER skittish I'm so sad because at the petstore she was sweet. Bamm-Bamm is skittish but not as. Seriously I move my hand towards them and they run. I've put this problem off to long and now I need to take charge.

Since you tame hamsters for a living, can you do it with gerbils too?
Can I have some tips and tricks for them? I know I need to be patient but the sooner the better, so could I have some fast acting tips too?
One other question, what treats do hamsters like best? Mine won't eat anything as a treat.
I'm so sorry for all the questions!!

Hi Emma

Thanks for your question.

Gerbils are very different to taming compared to hamsters.  I've had a number of gerbils over the years and whilst most I could handle, they were never docile, and wouldn't sit still - I always hold them with both hands.

Whilst you may not get your gerbils that tame, you should at least be able to pick them up.

I found the best way was to remove the top of their tank so that I could get full access to them.  Of course if there are platforms it is quite difficult.  Sometimes they would run into a tube - in which case I would carefully lift this out with them in it it.  Alternatively I would very quickly 'scoop' them up with my hands.

If you do this don't let them go to wander otherwise they will either jump from your hands or escape.  It is a good idea to try handling them in a room where there are no places to hide so block up any gaps before getting them out if you are worried.  Stroke them for a second or two then return them to their tank. If you try and do this every day they will start to get used to you and you can increase the handling time. Their memory is poor so you need to keep doing this.  If they have a platform in their tank you might be able to get them to take food from you but be careful you don't get nipped as your fingers probably smell like food to them.

Regarding treats - mine always loved sunflower seeds, cheese or walnuts.

I hope you get on OK.
