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my baby dwarf hamster

21 11:51:37

Hi, my name is Madison, and i have a dwarf hamster. Well it's my sisters but it has been acting weird and it can barley walk when it try's to it falls down what i was wondering if is there any treatment we can do to heal it?

Hello Madison,
This sounds quite serious so I would certainly recommend taking him to the vet as soon as possible. Check him to see if it is just a cut first. If it is just a small scratch, leave him for a few days for it to heal, but if there is a large wound, or you cannot see anything at all, the best thing to do would be to take him to the vet immediately.
While it may be nothing to worry about there is a possibility it could be life-threatening, and seeking medical advice would be necessary. Until then, just keep him warm and give him plenty of sawdust and safe bedding, as well as a 24 hour supply of water.

I hope he will be ok.

Best wishes,