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First time gerbil owner

21 11:37:57

Hi i have just got my first gerbils a few days ago. I adopted them from pets at home (3 males) at about 8 weeks old and they seem to be fine except from one of them which has had it's eyes closed for the last day but it has still been running around and digging like usual so i was wondering wether something is wrong or will it sort itself out on its own

thanks in advance

Hi Ben

Have you tried washing his eyes?  If not, gently wash the area and see if he will open his eyes.  It is important for him to open his eyes daily otherwise pus can form.  Have a look to see if there is any soreness, redness, or any other obvious sign - is he scratching his eyes?  It could be that the eyelids are just stuck and will open with a bit of water, or there could be some sort of eye infection which would need antibiotics from the vet.

I think your first approach is to try and get them to open - be very gentle, however.  