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Hamster Urine

21 12:00:02


We've had our lovely little Syrian hamster for just over 2 weeks now, he's roughly 8 weeks old now. His urine (which he seems to like doing in his wheel!) is usually the normal milky colour, but within the past 2 days it's been gradually changing colour and it's now a sort of light orange. He doesn't appear to be in any discomfort, his habits are all normal - is this change in colour anything to worry about?
We've also been feeding him a honey chew stick/nut treat thing recently, could this have affected the colour of his urine at all?  

Hi Laura,

       As long as he is acting normal, eating well, drinking well and stays active, there is no need for concern. I really don't think the honey chew stick had an effect in his urine. He is a young hamster and his little body is just changing.

      If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!