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My hamster is prego, should i change her cage?

21 11:37:50

I have a female hamster, She is pregnant and i have a cage that has add on's, should i take them out incase a baby gets stuck or falls?..... If your hamster is for sure pregnat will she still mate?.... And if she is pregnat should you just leave her alone, or can she still go in a ball and be held... Sorry for all the questions but thanks for you time and help.. Jaimie

Dear Jamie,
thank you for your question.
It might really be safer to take the add-ons off until the babies are grown so big that they cannot squeeze through. If you can get mesh wire, you can wrap the add-ons it it so that the babies cannot get through.
A pregnant hamster will not mate and will attack the male, but she will be ready to mate almost right after giving birth. I don't recommend breeding her again, though, since it's very stressful and since you will probably have difficulties finding good homes for the first litter, there are just too many unwanted hamster babies out there.

She's best left alone for now. Clean the cage now and then wait until the baies have left the nest until you clean it again. The toilet corner can be cleaned during that time, but not the whole cage. Unless she's very tame, handling wil be stessful for her and may cause her to eat the babies, especially since she's an unexperienced mother.
I hope I was of some help to you