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roborsvski dwarf hamsters

21 11:37:50

we have two roborovski dwarf hamsters, but we had to split them up since one of them started hurting the other one. There the same sex and are brothers so was splitting them up a good idea?

Dear Emma,
thank you for your question.
Separating them was definitely the right decision. Roborovski hamsters are social in the wild, but they live together as breeding pairs with a huge territory and may even change their partner once in a while. In captivity, they have a lot less room and even in huge cages they cannot avoid each other like they can in the wild. Apart from that, people usually keep pairs of the same sex. These are both reasons why dwarf hamsters will start to fight sooner or later in captivity and those fights will get serious pretty fast, they may even kill each other.
I hope I was of some help to you