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Hysterical Hamster

21 11:35:58

Hello! I just recently purchased 4 hamsters, all born and raised together. Theres 2 females, and 2 males. They all seemed fine at first, but just recently one of the females has started acting a little strange. Most times she's fine, but sometimes she gets hysterical for no reason. She'll start running around while squeaking and jumping around like crazy. Then she torments the others. It APPEARS as if she's attacking them, but every time I separate them and check they're never hurt or anything. And when I pick her up she practically vibrates in my hands and even though squirms alot to try to get away, she never ever bites. But I'm still trying to figure out why she randomly goes hysterical. Any ideas of why she's doing it or what I can do for her?

Hi Eric,

What kind of hamsters are these?  If they are Syrians then please split up into single cages straight away as these cannot live together happily.

If they are dwarfs then please read below:

Firstly, it is not a good idea to keep males and females together unless you are planning to breed them as the female will usually get pregnant very quickly.

If you are planning to breed from them then please do not breed a male and female from the same litter.

If i was you i would split them up straight away into two same sex groups!

The female may already be pregnant and this may be why she is acting strangely.  If she is then it is still fine to keep the two females together as the other one will help with the babies.

If you are planning to breed in the future you should only breed unrelated hamsters.  I would never house two males together with one female as this, in my oppinion would cause fights to break out.

Please keep me posted and let me know if you need ant more advise.

