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hamsters overgrown nails

21 11:42:55

my hamster is 1 &half years old and it has very long nails is it possible for me to cut them if so how ?

Hello Caren,  It is possible to cut your hamster's nails. This can be done much easier with the help of another person, but you can do this yourself.  You should use a baby nail clipper for this because they are smaller and so will be easier to maneuver. Gently hold your hamster by wrapping  your fingers around the hamster and allow one of his/her paws to slide between your fingers and gently close your fingers to hold the paw in place, then you can concentrate on that paw.  If you have someone else to help you then this person can hold the hamster and you can much easily work together, just make sure the "holder" is holding the hammie tight (but of course not too tight) you may also try to offer the hamster some peanut butter on the end of either a spoon or Popsicle stick, this way the hamster will be distracted while you do this (just make sure the hamster keeps his paws off the spoon). When you trim your hamster's nails do not trim too close to the fingers just trim what you believe to be the excess growth.

Now, another less invasive way to trim your hamster's nails would be to tape a piece of very fine grade sand paper on the bottom of your hamster's living area and leave that area free of litter for a few days and allow your hamster to walk around on it.

I hope this helps!