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teddy bears !!!!!!!!

21 11:36:24

dear Heather
     i just got my first hamster and it is a teddy bear and  it is a female. i am wondering what can i feed her other than her food?

i have 4 younger brothers and i don't know if i should let them hold her because they are only 8,6,6,5 years old ?

i also need help in the in the name department i have know  idea what is a name for a hamster or a human?

Hamsters are not very picky about human food, they will eat almost anything you give them, YOU are the one who must be picky about what your hamster eats. Other then the normal hamster blend of food, any fresh veggies or fruits are good to feed, just don't feed anything with a pit like peaches, cherries, or avocados. You can also let them have cooked eggs, chicken, noodles, rice, cereal, etc. If you over feed human food (or even too much veggies and fruits) your hamster can develop wet tail, which can be deadly. I only give my hamster a few kernels of corn or a single green bean, so you can see that I do not give him more then he can eat in 1 sitting.

I have let my 5 year old cousin hold my hamster, and he was just fine. He is afraid of animals, so he didn't squeeze him or anything. As long as you supervise them so they don't squeeze your hamster or pick her up wrong, it is up to your judgment. Make sure you tell them to never take the hamster out of the cage unless you are present.

I have a habit of naming my hamsters after food, a name should be something special that reflects your creativity and fits the hamster. Something like fluffy or hammy are kinda over used. I named one of my hamsters cappuccino because he was coffee colored with his back end whipped cream colored. My current hamster is named Jo (with no e) because my fiance Joe and my hamster act very alike. It's up to you, the sky is the limit. A few names I'm using for upcomming hamsters are Ibiza (after an island) and Orion (after the constellation).