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old age or sickness

21 13:28:34

my hamster is about 2-3 years old and about last week i changed his cage and spent some time with him but today he had hardly any fur and hes going around in circles and his head stays to one side he doesnt want to drink and cant get to his food so i put it in where he sleeps he seems to be able to eat no problem but he looks really bad is he dying of old age or is he really sick and how can i help him either way like the last time i looked at him he looked old but he had hair now there is no hair except for a little on his back he looks so bad i feel so helpless i have no clue on what to do please get back asap thanks sincerely april  

hi april,
unfortunately it sounds like your little furry friend is on his last legs. hamsters generally live to be over 2 but few survive to be nearly 3. the circling and tilt of the head is a sign of old age. i can understand your concern as the circling and head tilt can look very distressing, however as long as your hammy isn't squealing then he is fine and will cope. you did the right thing moving his food bowl for easier access as it can be a very difficult time when a hamster becomes old. you may want to reposition his water bottle on a lower bar of the cage too so he doesn't have to reach as far. if he begins to struggle to drink, a daily supply of fresh cucumber pieces will give him the water he needs. if he has tubes and other levels in his home then you may want to remove these as it may become frustrating for im if he can't climb the way he used to.i look at it as them moving into a little retirement bungalow!
also, if he isn't using his wheel, then you can remove it as it will provide more space.
basically anything you can do to make life a little easier for the little fellow, will be really helpful.
when my hamster was on his last legs, i found that his wood chippings were becoming an obstacle for him, so i took them out and just bedded him on newspaper. he found this easier to move about on.
your hammy may need a wash every now and again as he probably won't have the energy to wash himself now.wiping him gently with a moist cotton wool pad will freshen him up a bit.
the fur loss is probably due to old age too. as long as he's not scratching then he's fne. if he is scratching, he could have mites which need to be treated by a vet but if now don't worry too much, he's just a bit bald through age.

hope this helps. look after your hammy in his retirement.
thanks for your question, jewel