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I am babysitting hamsters.

21 13:33:01

I am babysitting hamsters and I believe one is giving birth.  her genital area is dark and stretched. She is in a cage with 9 other hamsters.  I don't know what I should do.  Any advice is useful.  Thanks Sherry

 I'm guessing that they are dwarfs becuase serians don't live together.
 her genital area being dark and stretched could mean she has given birth previously..but you could be right.
 You don't have to do anything! :D hamsters are capable of taking care of babies by their selves, don't disturb the nest she is in,becuase she may eat them but make sure their is plenty of food and water for all the hamsters.make sure the cage is out of any draughts, but other than that leave well alone.
If you know who the father hamster is, remove all the other hamsters if you can, becuase they are likely to be a previous litter and be in the way. If you have no idea who the daddy is, then leave them in, unless you see any major fights, and there is not enough room.
Having that many hammies in a cage mean they are bound to breed, so maybe whoever's hamsters they are may want to consider selling or splitting them when they get back.
 you didn't say how long you were babysitting for, i hope its not much longer for your sake! its a bit mean for someone to leave you with so much responsibility!
  if its for more than a week...the babies will eat solid food from 5 days onward-sprinkle oats round the cage and small peices of vegetable. once you see them with thier eyes open, its safe to handle them. don't clean them out until they are 2 weeks old. at 4 weeks old, they are ready to be taken from thier parents for rehoming if needed.
 i hope this helps... if you want to look at the babies..after 5 days (at your own risk) get a pencil or ruler, rub it where the mother hamster pees remove the mother and other hamsters, and carefully open the nest for a peek...look but don't touch!
  :D write back if you need anything more!
  suzi x