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care for my hamster

21 13:33:00

hi my name is Bertha-Louann-Nicole-Lila and i have 2 pretty tan with a white belly dwarf hamsters. one is named Belle and the other is Runty or Zippy we call her both names. I have question about my hamsters. How should i care for my pretty hamsters in the summertime. I do not want them to get overheated or dehydrated. I need to know the proper way to care for my hamsters in the summertime. If you could help me that would be like a cheesecake pie to me. Thanks a lot!!

 You didn't say where you come from, becuase in england the weather is pretty much un-hot all year round!
 well, hamsters are "made" for hot weather, they come from the desert originally, so hot weather to them is no big deal.
 Its always important for them to have water! which they will drink to how much they need, and fruit and vegetables are important as a water source as well. make sure the food doesn't go rotten, clean out food stores regularly, as well as cleaning out the cage.
 Make sure the cage is out of direct sunlight, becuase this will cause the cage to heat up. and make sure your hamsters have plenty of places to hide in,eg huts. some hamsters like to bathe in sand chinchilla sand is best, its made for animals. don't confuse with chinchilla dust, which could be dangerous.
 Don't put your hamsters directly next to the air conditioning, this could cause a shock to the system, and your hamster might catch a cold!
 :D thats really all you need to know!
   hope this helps!
  suzi x