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Travel with hamster

21 11:15:46

I wanted to buy our daughter a hamster for Christmas but we are travelling from the Midlands down to Cornwall.  Could you please advise if this is safe?  Would it be best to wait until we come home?  I do not want to buy the hamster for it to get stressed and die.  Thanks

Dear Joanne,
thank you for your question.
I would buy the hamster after you are home again, that is much less stress for all of you. You can buy the cage and everything you need and maybe a stuffed toy-hamster and then go choose the hamster with your daughter. I would also recommend buying it from a good breeder because pet shops usually don't give good care to their animals and often they are pregnant or sick. Or you can check the local animal shelters, there are many unwanted hamsters (especially after Christmas).
Here's a good website on hamster care:
and here are pictures of good hamster homes, most of them homemade
I hope I was of some help to you