Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster not drinking water?

Hamster not drinking water?

21 11:51:15

I just brought home a black bear today, and I haven't seen him take a drink from his bottle for the 10 or so hours that I've been keeping an eye on him.  It's certainly possible that he's sneaking swigs when I'm not looking, but I'm a worrier as it is.  Is there anything I can do to make sure he's getting water?  For instance, if I give him a piece of apple, would that hydrate him?  It's hard to keep track of the water level in the bottle, because the bottle is too opaque and it always drips when I put it in the cage.  Thanks.

Hi Jordan,

You'd be surprised how many people ask this question :)  It's a common worry; however, in 99% of those cases, the hamster will begin drinking water.  Since your hamster is so new, he's still exploring his cage.  Don't worry, he'll definitely find his water bottle.  If you're still worried about his hydration, it's fine to give him a small piece of fruit like an apple, a grape, or a cucumber.  

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
