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Blossom is no more

21 11:56:35

i email u lately about a really fat gerbil naed blossom.  i went to the cage last night and she was dead. i noticed lately that she didnt come out of her nest and i thought she was still scared or she came out while i was not there but i was go to get her out and put her in her ball  but she was dead.  this was the very first gerbil i had and only had her for 4 weeks.  i had to say i cried b/c i loved her.  but know i think i should get Herbil a friend (my otherone)so if you know a breeder that has some ready to be sold and if they can be shipped then let me know!


I am so sorry for your loss, that is very sad!!
I would however, be very careful putting a new gerbil with your existing one. Gerbils don't accept strangers very well, and when this happens they will actually fight until death!!!!!! It can take weeks and weeks of co-operation to get them to live happily together, and there is no certain guarantee that they will get on!!!

Hope this helps,
Again Sorry for your loss,