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multiple thoughts...

21 13:32:31

Hello Heather,
I believe i have a golded hamster, this is my second hamster (and i think my first was golden too).  She is SO big.  Is it possible for them to become overweight? Also, her nails are becoming really long and i don't remember this to be a problem with my first hamster.  I read that if you have them run around on sandpaper this will trim them down.  But i'm concerned about their actualy paws.  Thirdly, she sleeps so much and when i get the chance to put her in the ball (when i'm up past 2) she rolls into a corner and sits there cleaning or pooping and whatnot-then eventually she'll run around a bit-is this normal? I'm afraid i'm not giving her enough exercise.  also-regarding sleeping, is it ok to wake her up around midnight or at all cause i want to make sure i get enough play time in before i go to bed.  FOURTHLY!!!  is it possible for them to grow out of their cage?  i have tubes and a wheel with a look out tower but i still think it's too small and she's bored and cramped.  almost done :-) as the summer approaches i'm concerned about the heat and my little hammy getting too hot-i'm sure this is a possiblity, what do you suggest (i'm also concerned cause i don't think she drinks enough water because she gets lethargic often).  Last thought (i promis), do you have any idea on homemade toys i can make her?  i want to make her a bunch of fun stuff to expend her energy in.

sorry for all the questions, I am apprechiative for anything that you can answer.  Thank you!!

No problem at all :) It is possible to have an overweight hamster. This would happen if it was fed too much, or fed more people food then hamster food. You can trim the nails yourself, but I would see if a vet would be willing to show you or do it. If you do deside to go ahead with it yourself, get a pair of nail scizors, and look at each nail carefully. Only cut off near the top, theres a vein that goes through each nail that you can see, and if you cut too far down the hamster will bleed and be in pain. The trouble with hamster owners is they always want to play with thier hamsters, but hamster wants to sleep. Hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they perfer being up at night, and sleep away the day, a major conflict to owners. I wouldn't suggest the ball for your hamsters exersize, a wheel is perfect. Balls are very unnessisary, and hamsters don't like them all that much. If you have a wheel in your cage, you should be fine. As for outside cage play, they don't sleep the entire afternoon. If you see your hamster awake, just take it out and place it on the ground in front of you and let it wander on its own a bit. If you find its too fast, just make a little makeshift pen so it can't get out. If your hamster is sleeping, I wouldn't wake it up to play. How would you like it if you were sleeping and someone woke you up to play? I think I know of the type of cage your talking about. I would move on up to an aquarium cage to put it in. I forget how many gallons mine was, maybe about 10, my hamster loved it.  I had tubes and a wheel, sometimes switching the tubes for a plastic house. I've never heard of a hamster over heating, but if you find your hamster is way too hot, put it in a makeshift cage made out of a big cardboard box or something for a while, maybe even with a little breeze on it. If you have the regular type of hanging water bottle with the little ball in the bottom of the spout, your fine. If it's filled with water there's nothing more you can do. There are lots of things you can make safe for hamsters. Cardboard is the material of choice. You can use cardboard tubes, or make a ladder out of popsicle sticks and string. You can use a small cardboard box with a hole cut out as a fun hidding place. The possibilities are endless. Just remember to not use glue or tape, the chemicals can be very harmfull. If you need to stick things together try string. I hope ive helped, and if you have any more questions feel free to ask :)