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My hamster Minnie

21 11:36:13

Hi, My name is lilly younan. i have a dwarf hamster (female) and tonight i noticed she hardly walked at all. She was bleeding in a short time from her vaginal area and my mother said it was HER PERIOD. please help me with this problem. i cant do anything to help her. ive had for 2 years and now she is dragging her legs. PLEASE HELP ME,

Hi Lilly

Sorry to hear your hamster isn't well.  Hamsters don't have periods as such.

Based on her age and the symptoms you've described it sounds as though she is very ill and needs to see a vet.  Bleeding is something that should always be investigated.  Since she's having problems walking, this could indicate a tumor, or some form of infection that is causing her a lot of pain- in which case she will need antibiotics and pain relief.

Can you get her to a vet as soon as possible to get her checked out?

Please let me know how you get on.
