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hamster hygiene

21 11:54:48

Our 2-weeks-with-us Chinese dwarf hamster has worse hygiene in week 2 than in week one.  The cage got smellier quicker (I especially notice her wheel being dirty in one day), and she seems to be grooming less.  The fur around her hair looks greasier every day, not as fluffy as she started.  She's still active, and comfortable being held, though she seems a little frantic.  Stressed? Sick?  when should I really worry?  Suggestions?  

Dear Valerie,
thank you for your question.
This might be a sign of illness, does she maybe have diarrhea? Sometimes the hamster cleans itself up really well so that there's no sign of it on the animal itself.
Do you have a sand bath? They need on to keep their fur clean. Use chinchilla or degu sand or really fine desert sand used for herps, not play sand or something else. The grains must be very small and round, otherwise the fur will be destroyed.
If the cage is one of those all or mainly-plastic cages, smell might always be a problem because those cages are not very well ventilated, which may also result in health problems for the hamster. All wire cages or tanks are better for rodents (the plastic cages are usually eay too small, too). If you can get it, use hemp or flax bedding, those two absorp smell better than wood shavings.
I hope I was of some help to you