Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > PLZ HELP!!!


21 11:52:33

Hello thanks for all your help but im sry to sya but Lenard had passed away tonight and i want to thank you for all your help...butt im from columbus ohio plz give me the information on the vets cause i got 17 others so if they get sick i could maybe take them to the vet if i could afford it Well i wanted to thank you for all your Help Thank you alot


I am so sorry to hear this. At least you know you did your best to help him!! I am sad for you!

Below i have listed some websites. The best thing to do would be to either call or email someone on each of them. These people may not be able to help you at all, or offer low cost treatments/free treatments, but you if you are worried about money you should tell them this, but say you don't want your animal to suffer, and so where could they recommend that may be able to help you out.

I hope this helps you, and again i am so sorry for your loss!!