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Introducing New Campbells Russians

21 11:12:39

Yesterday one of my Campbell's Russian hamsters died - she was only a year old and I am worried that her sister will be lonely living by herself for another year or so.  Would it be possible to introduce two baby Campbell's Russian hamsters to the cage (I thought getting two might provide them with some moral support for each other in case they get picked on)?

Hi Helen

I would strongly advise you NOT to introduce another hamster!  It is a nice idea to have more than one in a cage and it is very sad when one dies and leaves the other one on their own, but it is very difficult to introduce new ones.  I suspect it would end up with a lot of fighting and introducing two probably wouldn't make any difference - they could both pick on your original one.

The only way you really stand a chance of them getting along would be to mate her and then hope that she has a girl so that she would be able to live with her.  However, this doesn't always work and if you aren't careful you end up with loads of hamsters as they mate again the day they give birth so I wouldn't advise this as a way forward.  Also, you could find that you still end up separating them at some stage as there is never any guarantee they will get along for their whole life.

I've had many single dwarf hamsters and they seem fine - I usually try and introduce a few more toys etc. to their cage and also put in several nests so that they can sleep in different places to make their home interesting.  A dust bath is enjoyed by dwarf hamsters - if you don't already have one of these it would be a good idea to create one - you just need a low dish and fill it with 'chinchilla dust' that you buy in pet shops.  Does she have an exercise ball?  If not it would be good to get one.  You can buy small versions which are designed for dwarf hamsters.  I suggest you tape over any joins as they do have a habit of opening if they bang into furniture.  This will give her a chance to explore but in the safety of the ball.  Most of my hamsters love having a 20 minute run in these in the evening.

I hope she settles down.
