Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbils and hamster can i put them together

gerbils and hamster can i put them together

21 11:30:08

okay see i have a gerbil and two or three weeks ago i purchased another gerbil playmate for my gerbil and it died because well i dont really know. all i know is that they had gotten into fights and i had to seperate them then one day i just found her dead about four or five days later. welll a 1 month went by and my brother got a free babay hamster about 2 weeks old. i was wondering if it would be afe to put my gerbil in the same cage as the hamster. or is it safe to let them interact with each other too?

Please do not ever put them in the same cage and please dont even let them even get near each other.

You should never mix different species of animal because both of them would become very stressed.

You could also end up with one of them killing the other!

Kind Regards,
