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baby robo dwarf hamsters

21 11:14:39

How do you tell baby dwarf hammys apart from male and female??

Hi Zack

Robos can be difficult to sex because they are so wriggly.  The best way of sexing them is to look for the distance between the anus and genitals.  For a male, these should be twice the distance than the female.  Also, a male has a scent gland on their underside.  I find that the best way to sex hamsters is to find one that you definitely know is male or female - so if you have a good look at the mum and dad.  This will give you a guide - then it is a case of holding the babies up alongside one of them and comparing them.  

Once you've sexed them and separated them, I suggest you have another look, just to be on the safeside, or getting someone else to check them as it is easy to make mistakes.

Hope you get on OK.
