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Syrian Hamster keeps blocking tunnels

21 11:35:59


We got a Syrian Hamster that is about 7 weeks old. We bought some Rotastak cages and tunnels but find that the Hamster keeps blocking the tunnels with the wood shavings we put in the cages. We changed the cages and tunnel layout but it does not make a difference. Several cages, about 5 connected with the tunnels.


Hi Herman

Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about this.  Hamsters are generally very tidy creatures and they like their food and bedding in particular places in their cage.  Whilst the tubular cages look fun for the hamster, in practical terms they aren't so great - because of this reason and when having to clean them.

I have a similar problem with one of my hamsters who has a single tube that runs out of one side of her cage, over the top and back into the opposite side.  She stores all her food in this and really struggles to move through it.  There's nothing I can do to stop her doing this as no sooner have I emptied it she fills it up again with paper bedding and food!

As your hamster is very young you might find he changes his habits as the novelty wears off, but I'm afraid there's no immediate answer - other than to get a wire cage!  If you get another cage - perhaps you could let him have his tubular cage as a play area and he could be put in it in the evening for a few hours to explore.
