Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > concerned


21 11:34:18

QUESTION: i know i have asked this many times to different experts but they all seem to have different answers...

i just got two Syrian hamsters about a week ago.. a grey And white one oreo, and a light brown one hammy. oreo seems to be acting a lot different then hammy does, she blocks her self in the top of her cage so she cant get to the bottom, like if i clean her cage she will take the bedding and all the food from the bottom and take it to the top and then slowly through out the day she will push the bedding and the food that she don't like in to the tube to lock herself up top and in doing this she is cutting off her only way to her water bottle... she also digs in the corners of her cage, and bites at the walls, about two days ago she finally started running on her wheel... and neither one of them likes me still.. i cant hold them, i am lucky if i can even touch their backs.. should i be worried?

ANSWER: No worries, you must understand that all hamsters have different personalities. When my boy had a look out tower, he would do much like you say, he would take his food and bedding from the bottom and take it to the top. His tubes would eventually get blocked from the amount of bedding he would bring, leading me to clean them out. My girl on the other hand  is pretty excitable and digs in every corner she can. Your hamsters are just acting like normal hamsters, which includes blocking things off even if it isn't for the best. Being their owner, you must be patient with them and if they block themselves in, just clean out a path.

Hamsters can take weeks to months to be tamed to humans. When I brought my girl home she had been socialized a bit, but still skiddish. It took about a week before she was comfortable with my hand. Just try and associate your hand with good things, like food. Offer both of them treats from your hand. Here is a rather good taming page:

It just takes time, hamsters are not inclined to like humans at all, you must show them that you mean no harm and bring good things.

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QUESTION: thank you so much... you helped alot... i will come to you with any more questions.. if thats okay..

ANSWER: Yep, feel free to ask whenever you need.

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QUESTION: i just bought them houses for their cages to see if oreo would stop blocking her self up top.. she don't, but would they feel threatened or scared of the houses because they are new to the cages? do hamsters copy what other hamsters do if they are near them or can see them?

Some hamsters don't take to change well, but it's uncommon for it to be enough to make the hamster constantly distressed. Your hamsters will grow to love their homes in time. Since they are in 2 separate cages, they would not be able to see what the other is doing, hamsters have extremely poor eyesight, and could not discern what another hamster is doing on smell or sound alone. Also since they are solitary creatures they do not mimic other hamsters, but that most hamsters just act similarly from instinct.