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scent gland tumor?

21 11:35:49

I have an older gerbil (between 2 and 3) who had a stroke last year. (recovered well with subQ fluids, warmth and plenty of TLC) However, over the past few weeks she has become lethargic, rapid breathing and seems a bit bloated in the abdomen. She does not has any clicking noises that I can hear when I hold her up to my ear and listen to her breathing, she is scratching more than normal, she has a bald spot next to her ear where she has scratched and the area where her scent gland is is bald in a strip about a quarter of an inch wide.

I thought at first it was just old age catching up to her, but now I'm not sure whether it could be a scent gland problem (I can't see anything externally), mites, (although I'm not seeing anything and there is nothing she has been exposed to and her cage mate is not itching at all) or possibly an allergic reaction to her bedding. She is in Carefresh, I've read an article about gerbils developing allergies to it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Valorie,

With regards to the scent gland all gerbils have an oval shaped bare patch on their tummies and this is nothing to worry about unless it becomes sore looking, or has fluids leaking from it!!
However, it does sound as though she is not well and unfortunately it would be impossible for me to diagnose something like this with out having her checked out. The best thing you can do is take her to the vets to get a check over as they may be able to offer you some antibiotics for her, and advise you of the exact problem.
There is a possibility that all these symptons are simply just old age as it is common also for them to become a lot more lethargic and for their breathing to become more laboured.

I hope this helps and i hope she is ok!
