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Hamster Pregnancy/Babies

21 13:31:43

I own a syrian hamster. We bought her on Saturday, 8/21/04. I am posting this question a week later, with some concern. She has had a massive weight gain and is much more terrirtorial. Her teets have also become more visible. We suspect she is pregnant, but can't be sure. She lives in a cage with metal bars, and I am afraid that (if she is pregnant), the babies may crawl through them, and not be able to get back. Is this possible? Also, I was wondering are there any more surefire ways to tell if my hamster is pregnant?

 to see if she is pregnant, feel her tummy, if it is tight underneath and feels like a hard ball, chances are she could be.the only real way to tell is to put her with a male when she is supposed to be in heat,but as this was unplanned you can't do that!
  hamster cage bars are normally about a centermetre apart, and that should be fine, any bigger than that then its possible for a baby hamster to get through. the hamstes won't start crawling the cage until about 2 weeks, and the trouble will start(if there is any) when their eyes are open, if the cage has a plastic base, you could put minimum bedding in so they can't reach the bars, but at two weeks they need to reach the water bottle too.
  if the bars are too far apart you might want to consider getting another cage, good luck!
 i Hope this helps