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What is happening?

21 13:31:17

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what is my hamster doing? he is climbing on top of the female's back and biting her fur. Sometimes i see him doing something to her butt. please help me. i really want to know. thank you very much.
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Dear Zoe,
thank you for your question.
Your hamsters are mating. Please get a second cage and seperate them as soon as possible. Hamsters are solitary animals and shouldn't be kept together anyway. Plus there are too many homeless hamsters out there already and they shouldn't be bred accidentally.
In case it's too late and the female is already pregnant, you must give her plenty of nesting material for her nest and provide her with animal protein in form of mealworms or at least curd. You won't see whether she's pregnant or not, but since Syrian (golden) hamsters are pregnant only 16-10 days and dwarf hamsters 19-22 days, you will know it pretty soon.
They can have 1-10 babies. Make sure you find good homes for them and start searching when the babies are still small, it's not that easy. You might want to get an old tank to house the mother and her babies in because the babies can slip through the cage bars.

The babies can and must be seperated from their mother when they are  a month old and you should seperate male and female babies because they can breed when they are about 32-42 days old.
I hope I was of some help to you

but she has already mated with another hamster i think. i don't really know if she is pregnant. the hamster she has already mated with has already
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Not every mating attempt results in a pregnancy. She can be pregnant, but you will have no way of knowing for sure until the time of the pregnancy is over. Of course you can see a vet who is knowledgeable about hamsters with her, who should be able to tell you, but apart from that, he won't do anything.
I really recommend seperating the hamsters and not putting them together again, not even for a short time.
I hope I was of some help

i think she is pregnant. her tummy is getting bigger.

Did you already seperate her from the male hamster? If not, do so as soon as possible to avoid stress for her. Don't handle her much and clean out the cage in the next few days and then leave her alone as much as possible. You can clean the toilet corner, but not the whole cage as long as the babies are still in the nest. Wehn they come out of the nest and explore by themselves, you can clean the cage again.
It's really important that you start finding good homes for them now. Many people will say that they want a hamster baby, but won't take one when the time comes. Hamsters given to pet shops often end as snake food.
Seeing them grow up is a wonderful experience, I hope you have much fun watching them :)